The Vine's mission

To be a church that is committed to seeing God's Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven through being a Jesus Centered, Spirit Empowered, People of God who make disciples and visibly demonstrate God's love and power to the world. 

The Vine's Vision

Our vision is to see thousands of people transformed by Jesus, added to His church, and joining Him in shaping their Communities for the Kingdom of God, which will have a local, national and international impact on the world.

The Vine's Values

People are important - We believe that every person is created in the image of God and worthy of honour, respect and love no matter what background, story or beliefs they may have.

Every person has a part to play - We believe that every person matters. Every person has a part to play and every person has something to contribute. As disciples of Jesus, we all have something to contribute and we all have something to learn from one. This will result in continual transformation as we journey together towards maturity in Christ.

Generosity reflects the heart of God - Our God is a generous God and we are to be like Him in all we do. Generosity comes in all sorts of packages and is exemplified by sharing what we have been given, with those who are in need.

Providing pathways out of poverty - As the people of God we are to take care of the poor. Poverty exists in all cultures, classes and ethnic groups around the globe and we, the body of Christ, have a responsibility to act. Our action is to provide opportunities for people so that they can be freed from whatever poverty trap they have been in to a transformed life of liberty.

Three key truths underpin this mission and the outworking of this vision and values

Love - God's love is so amazing. It was because of His love that God sent His Son Jesus into the world to deal with the problem of sin and separation. We have all fallen short of God's standard, missed the mark and messed up, but because of God's outrageous love and grace, that can be ours through Faith in His Son Jesus Christ, we can all be transformed from having missed the mark to hitting it square in the centre.

The Bible says that His righteousness becomes our righteousness, the result of this is that we are transformed from death to life and from one degree of glory to another. No matter who we are or what we have done we can find new life in Christ. More than that we are continually transformed so that we become more and more like Jesus - all because of God's amazing love. 

Light – Interestingly, darkness only occurs where there is the absence of light. Where light exists darkness has to retreat. Jesus was described as being the light that came into the dark world and claimed Himself that He was the light of the world and whoever follows after Him will also have the light of life. He said that we, His disciples, are the light of the world and that we should let our light shine before others, that they may see our good works and give glory to our Father in Heaven.

For all those who are in Christ, we are to shine our light into the world. Because of this we believe that every follower of Jesus can play a part in shaping their community for the Kingdom of God as they let their light shine before others. The more we shine, the more visible we become and the more we will be a part of shaping our communities and seeing lives transformed by God.

Laughter - Jesus said that He came that we may have life to the full and that we may have fullness of joy. Joy is more than happiness it is a deep-rooted, long lasting and overwhelming reality that can transcend all circumstances. The more we know Jesus and the more we understand what He has done for us His people, the easier it is to walk with fullness of joy. Joy is to be one of the defining features of the church of Jesus Christ.